
Carbon Capture

Carbon Capture Investors Get Tax Credit Clarity From IRS

Investors and developers looking to take advantage of an enhanced tax credit for carbon capture projects just got much-needed clarity from the IRS….

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After years of waiting, IRS and Treasury release guidance for carbon capture tax credit

Hannah Grover, Farmington Daily Times FARMINGTON — The proposal to retrofit the San Juan Generating Station with carbon capture technology and keep it…

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Carbon Capture Now a Jobs Lifeline Thanks to 45Q Credit

Wrongly perceived as unachievable, capture carbon is on the cusp of major development. A natural gas power plant in California. A coal power…

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Proposed Regulations for CCUS Tax Credit: Greater Certainty for Developers and Investors

On Thursday, May 28, the Treasury Department (Treasury) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued proposed regulations (REG-112339) for the §45Q, Credit for…

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